Week 2- Drawings

For these works, I have used a mix of felt pens, charcoal and watercolour. I found that my favourite to work with was the charcoal as I like the rough sketchy look it creates and I was happy with the results as it was one of my first times working with charcoal. I found it difficult looking for an image with a person that I wanted to use for this task as I have found from past experiences that I’m not the strongest at drawing figures and faces. I wanted to find an image that was relatively simple so I could focus on the more minimalistic style from Antoni Llena’s drawings. After looking at my works I think I could pull it back even more and use less marks than what I have used in these drawings and possibly look at expanding the colour palette.

This set of beach drawings was the first ones I completed, I don’t think I fully engaged with the task as looking back at these drawings they mostly look similar and I don’t think I was really considering how I could use my artist techniques effectively. For my last watercolour drawing, I did start to look at Silvia Bächli and how she uses different variations of lines to create her art. Out of the beach drawings, I think this one turned out the best, and this use of lines Is something I would like to explore in some of my other works. I did however make a few mistakes in this work as I didn’t wait for the water colour to dry properly before starting some of the branches so some of the colours are bleeding together a bit.

These works were based on the Paul Cezanne work, Pitcher and fruit from 1894. I was interested in using this painting as I really liked the bright colours of the fruits and how all of the colours blended together. For some of these works, I experimented with scribbling the colours on, not worrying about it being too neat. I think this technique worked out with the felt pens however I don’t think it worked as well with the colour pencils as the colours aren’t very bright and it makes the whole drawing look quite bland. I also think I could have experimented with leaving some sections uncoloured to see how that affects the overall look of the drawings. I have also started to look at making the shapes of the fruit more geometric in my last drawing however I think I prefer the more organic shapes.

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