Artist research

Helen Frankenthaler was an abstract artist painter, born 12 December 1928 and died in 27 December 2011. Her paintings are abstract expressionism that is filled with colour. I really like Frankenthaler style, the colours are soft and light and the image doesn’t really conform to a clear shape. I like the abstract style of the paintings and I feel like I’ve taken more of that approach too. From Frankenthaler, I got the inspiration to kind of be more free with my paintings and allow different shapes and lines to come from the process rather than set a clearcut intention.

Callum Innes is another abstract artist. From Innes, I took inspiration from the subtraction technique. I liked the idea of adding and subtracting and something different coming out of it each time. Sometimes the mess that the subtraction makes is more interesting than the painting itself, just like the process can be more entertain than the image itself. This is a technique I have been using a lot through this brief since I found out about it.

Amy Sillman is a painter whose practise also includes drawings and cartoons. I like Sillmans use of colour blocking and overlaying of drawings. I like how you can kind of see an outline. She has a different approach to the other two artist. The inspiration I’ve taken with her is the way she fills up the space with bold colouring. (although I do need to branch out from just blue).

Joan Mitchell is another abstract painter and printmaker born in 1925. I like how her abstract style is more of multiple lines of colours that build up. I have definitely used this process and take inspiration from it. The colours are bold, the lines aren’t clean and colours merge.

All these painters are abstract and I feel like thats a style I’ve never seriously considered so its been fun to take that road and learn about abstract artist and see and take inspiration from.

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