Down Time – Challenge Work I

I continued my work by using my two challenges. 1) Document gestures my household and I believe show care, and 2) Frame it as I did in my Silent Karakia work. Keep the soles outside shares the gesture of taking shoes off before entering the home. Now looking at the final result I think if I had included the interior carpet it would have created the contrast between the outside and in. As well as show the importance of why we take our shoes off, to protect households from bacteria and germs. However, this gesture of care has stemmed from the Maori tradition of removing shoes before entering the wharenui, to prevent the dust of TÅ«matauenga, the god of war, from entering the domain of the god of peace, Rongo.

With the format, I played around with where the scene would fade out. If I were to put the longer clip first or last. The first follows the same format as my Silent Karakia, having the fastest clip to the left and continue down to the longest, like a timeline. The second takes into account the action of walking in a home. The first to remove their shoes enters the house before the last person.


Te Ara. “Shoes At The Door Of The Wharenui”. Accessed October 14, 2021.,the%20wharenui%20(meeting%20house).&text=One%20explanation%20for%20this%20is,Rongo%2C%20the%20god%20of%20peace.

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