Erwin Wum and Sandy Skoglund

Erwin Wurm

Sculpture in one minute - Visual Arts
Sculpture in one minute - Visual Arts

Erwin Wurm has been creating one minute sculptures since 1988 ( According to link bellow) He had created and documented hundreds of sculptures using willing participants, objects such as sticks, chair, table, clothing , food etc. His one minute sculptures consist of balance, weight, teamwork, restrictions, basically interacting with an objects in a way that contradicts its original purpose. We as an audience look at his work and ask, ‘what is the full potential of an object?’ ‘can ordinary objects be considered art?’ and ‘what is art, what is a sculpture?’

Sandy Skoglund

Revenge of the Goldfish (photograph) - Wikipedia
Revenge of the Goldfish, 1981
Meet our Artists: Sandy Skoglund - Holden Luntz Gallery
Beyond the door, 1980
Non-Photoshopped Scenes by Sandy Skoglund Employ Surreal Sets
Chasing Chaos, 1987

Sandy Skoglund is an American artist and photographer who has been creating colourful work since the late 1970’s, using animals, set designs, food and people. The creativity stemming from all of her art pieces are out of this world, often swapping the narrative, for example ‘Revenge of the Goldfish’ fishes retaliating from their restricted bowl, you have a real sense of protest against humans and what they have built. I love the childhood perspective, contrasting colours and overall narrative, the worlds that she continues to create are images of long forgotten dreams, she captures the mind of an a imaginative child perfectly, her creations generate the question ‘how far can I go to manipulate a room?’

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