
I used the movement of the dead branches to create a holder so tennis balls. This sculpture is made to replicate the movement of the lemon tree. I used bright coloured balls to draw in the viewers eye and also to represent lemons. I really enjoyed the relation ship I created with nature and movement.

I also captured my sculpture in video form. I think this was extremely important in terms of movement and how my sculpture adjust to fit into nature.

My sculptures were made to hold movement. The branch and ball are unable to move on their own. They need interactions to move. But the curves of the brunches convey the movement in which it gre when it was still alive. Movement in relation to the earth was a huge interest of mine and sparked when I read the ‘real movement’ brief. When I watched back my sculpture captured on video. I noticed the movement was captured in the wind, sounds and other environmental factors that brought the sculpture to life. I reflected on my movement in the images and video as it gave a new meaning to my sculpture. If I left my body out of it, the viewers embodied knowledge would come in use while they interpreted my sculpture.

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