Process to image week 3

For this week we were asked to combine the techniques we used in week 1 with the techniques we used in week 2. In the first week I experimented with a lot of different drawing/ painting techniques and Week 2 was more about drawing subject matter.I decided to use the screen grab of Moonrise kingdom moving forward in my work. For most of my artworks I started of with a base which included techniques including dry brushing, scraping, dripping etc.

For this piece I used scraping first for the background working with horizontal and vertical lines. After that I wanted to use a black pastel on top and replicate the tower shape. I used inspiration from Silvia Bacchli for this piece as she works a lot with black lines and shapes. I like this work as the black pastel really allows the subject matter to pop off in contrast with the background.

For this piece I used watered down paint and spread that in the background to replicate water/ sky and also then very loosely used orange paint to create flat block in front of the girl. I decided to use just a normal pen to draw the detailed girl, this allows a nice contrast of messy and clean and the abstract background and the actual girl.

This artwork I combined one line drawing using a black marker contrasting with watercolour. I water coloured the girl to allow the background to be more present. I like how there is a pop of colour in the artwork so even though it is a thin layer it still stand outs.

For the background I used scraping and dapping on paint to create a layered effect with the different shades of blue. On top for the imagery I used pastel and paint and used my hand to smear it to lighten some parts.

For this piece I started off the drying brushing onto the paper then wanted to add a flat shape on top to allow that subject matter to stand out. Getting inspiration from Gemma Smith I used this blue on top to create swirly lines over the shape to give a hidden layer aspect to this work. I really enjoyed making this and I like how it is very messy yet the lines on top are very slick.

This work involves the use of pastels and pencil drawing. This allowed me to use my fingers to blend out colours and use pencil to define the shapes and subject matter. This work I am really happy with as it has bit where the subject matter are very defined and other where it is seem as loose and messy .

One Reply to “Process to image week 3”

  1. Kia ora Riko,
    Great work analyzing and experimenting last week. I can see your thinking around the relationship between process and image. Keep pushing that interaction between the background and figure. Also, does every work need the figure introduced? Could you start with laying down your ground in response to your reference drawing, then put the reference away and respond to the marks as they emerge on the surface…building up layer after layer of ‘background’

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