Treats no child wants

Treats no child wants. The brief I stated required that I create sculptures that provoke the opposing emotions, Interested and disgusted. I’ve made lollipops of all materials, using cardboard, clay, melted lollipops, and of course lollipops. I’ve made a treat that no one wants, at first glance, it looks like a Tasty treat, a second closer look, you realize half of them are non-digestible.

‘Melted lollipops’
‘faulty lollipops’
‘cardboard lollipops’
‘clay lollipops’

Using these materials I created fake or faulty lollipops, This was a really enjoyable process, thinking about texture, what the possible mixtures I could create and what possible materials I can use. The melted lollipops came out with a beautiful clump of mess, when you bite into it it was ‘soft’ and crunchy at the same time, I loved the outcome! I wish I could have made more! Faulty lollipops were a basic idea that I enjoyed, using the combinations of broken pieces, lollipops that’s already been bitten in or simply just having no wrapper, I created lollipops that no one wants to eat in its most simplest form. Cardboard lollipops the material was the first idea that came to mind due to the natural texture it gives, I’m happy, its nothing revolutionary, it does the job. Clay lollipops is my favourite material to work with, the amount of textures I could create with it was exciting, it was easy material to manipulate, I just wish I could make more with time. If I could continue this idea further i would have painted it colours to make it look moldy, (Sadly all my paints are in class) an inspiration taken directly from Kathleen Ryan, it would be a fun challenge to create mold on something that can’t.

Potential materials I could have used, edible foods like a slice of a banana, possibly moldy for texture, frozen liquid, basically foods. The endless possibilities of using foods. If I had more time I would done that, sadly most of my time was dedicated to catching up to meet the brief. (yes I realized my mistake)


I forgot to care about my appearance when I filmed this, Please just focus on the sounds.

I decided to record myself and focus on the sound these lollipops create after I bite down on them, I feel that this was great way of presenting my work as it generated the emotions of disgust and interest and it fulfills the purpose of the objects. I like how you have a good sense of which lollipop I’m biting down on, even if I don’t show it, The sounds the different materials generate are interesting as they all sound completely different, some are soft, crunchy or thin. I would love to see the potential in more materials like (as I have stated before) Ice, banana (not moldy) etc.

I was relating heavily on the Material Assemblage brief, as I started the idea of using lollipops/ food in that brief. I Learnt the importance of textures and how given a different context the original purpose of an object can alter, from the digital brief and deciding to present it in a way that’s linked to the ‘one minute sculpture‘ brief, by using my body, (something I didn’t consider until I revised the work I generated). I feel I’ve connected all the lessons that we were taught to get to this point. I’ve learnt a lot from trial and error, generating ideas outside of the box and looking at objects in a new perspective, the idea of ‘what is art?’ and ‘what is a sculpture?’ now has depth to the questions, as I have had to try and answer that question nearly everyday for a month. My ‘Treat no child wants’ is a good ending to what I’ve learnt, I do feel I could have developed more from this idea, but regardless, I’m happy with what I created.

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