Verisimilitude: ‘Real’ Organism

This work I wanted to play around with scale. I decided to make this work a big scale so there would be lots of details as well as to have it suspended in the air, playing around the question of ‘what is real?’. An organism is really small and can’t be seen to the naked eye, so I wanted to go against the ‘truth’ and make my organism really big and unmissable. This is also why I chose to use meshmixer because I would have full control of this ‘reality’ and create an organism to my desire scale and appearance.

Originally, I wanted to make an environment to immerse my sculpture. Having vines, tress and other suspended life forms to create a strange and surreal atmosphere inside of a gallery. Unfortunately, my software was crashing, even having artsteps being taken down for maintience which was a huge inconvience. So I decided it to put my organism out on a field in artsteps. I chose to do this because I thought it would be really strange if in reality, there was a massive organism sculpture standing alone in a big field. It makes us question, how did it get there? who put this there? What is it and what does it want?

For the organism itself, I wanted to create a botanical organism, using flowers, mushrooms, coral and many other things to assemble it. I asked my self what type of form should it be? and I thought a sphere what be best to tackle the ‘true’ part of an orgaism and to twist the reality of what it is made out of.

A thing that really bothers me was that I would create really cool textures and details in meshmixer and then all of it would get lost during the reducing and exporting process.

I also had planned to use my final colour version of my organism, but due to software complications, I wasn’t able to hand it in time and had to use my white version.

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Here is the coloured version of my organism. I really love the organic colour of green on the main body of the organism and then contrasting it with an ‘unnatural’ colour of pinks and reds. I really love this coloured version compared to the white/greyscale version as we can clearly see what is inside the organism, the colours brings depth and texture. It also creates the organism to look more a part of nature and of a living thing- rather than the white which I think makes it looks lifeless and too much like a stone sculpture instead of organic matter.

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