week 4 painting

This week I continued working off the image of my family. I painted these on different objects. I decided to fully branch out and use full and different colours.

This image (above) is painted on a clear plastic plate.

This painting is painted on a wooden board. I took the Joan Mitchell approach and used colours and lines to create my image at the start. I didn’t know how I felt about it so I went the Callum Innes route and covered it in blue paint and then subtracted as much of the blue paint as I could. I tried to take the paint away with my paintbrush at first and then I put these papers over it and flattened it and they came out with these images. I just think they’re an interesting outcome of the process

This painting was painted on the cover of a note book. I kind of did the same process as the painting above but this time I left the blue so you can see hints of the painting underneath

For this painting I took inspiration from the way Amy Sillman has blocked out colours and then drawings overtop of them. I messily made sort of blobs of the shapes of my family image and then used the paintbrush to erase and mix the paint to make the outline.

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