Before The Final Presentation

The last few days consisted of me finalising my ideas and sculptures. I worked on Meshmixer and took in lots of inspiration from the artists Tony Cragg, Mathew Plummer Fernandez and Ken Kelleher. Perusal I got frustrated with the software as it still kept bugging out, but I had a much better understanding on how to use it. I made a couple of new sculptures and went to upload them to Artstep.

I did run into some problems. I would be able to save coloured sculptures made on meshmixer, but the colours did not transfer into Artstep. I was a little upset that my sculptures were unable to be uploaded in colour on the website but I had work around this. I decided just to keep all my sculptures white. And tried to find alternatives for the plain white backgrounds.

It was bit tricky to decide where I wanted to put my sculptures as there was multiple gallery rooms to chose from. I ended up deciding on the first one and picked the back room as there was a lot more texture on the walls.

With the room I picked I also work around it, I was looking at it more as an installation. Seeing my sculptures on their own was pretty boring so I duplicated some, moved and twisted them all around. made sure that it was all exhibition ready before publishing and completing the space.

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