‘Real: Further Development’ Reflection

After Crit on Thursday, I wanted to reflect on my work and discuss further developents with my work.

My work, introduced by Emma, challenged desire. Juxtaposing the desirable sweets with the undesirable web, my work asked the viewer whether the sweets were desirable enough to break the web. I am very proud of my concept, even if my execution was rushed.

Some feedback I received was as follows.

More Webs / Bigger Webs. — exploring this could make access to the jar fully prevented and therefore up the risk vs reward. It could also obscure the ‘reward’ which makes the decision making even more difficult. Covering the top or wrapping the jar in webs are interesting development ideas.

A shifted container scale. Making the jars opening smaller, meaning a hand was unable to fit, or the fit was uncomfortable. This added discomfort would level the risk vs reward idea, especially if they are not initially discouraged by the webs.

A different web type. — Making the webs out of something other than thread was suggested, however no materials were suggested. Dental floss, hot glue, or fishing wire were all options I considered before starting. However, I turned off them because of the aesthetic of the thread. Something I considered was making the web sticky, whether actually tacky or just look sticky.

Further Presentation Ideas. It was mentioned that I could play with different desire objects and on a similar vein different ‘fears’ or deterrents. I really like this idea, and would probably take this route if I were to develop this idea further.

All in all, I am very pleased with my piece, and have a lot of ideas of where to go with this idea, were we to have more time to work.

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