Making More Assemblages!


Upon response to my previous blog, and continuing my plan, I have since made three more butterfly assemblages to place in Cornwall Park. I am very excited to place them in Cornwall Park and to see whether they work out as I hope – become a source of food for insects. I have four different assemblages, each with fruit that butterflies enjoy eating so that my material use connects more with the depicted subject matter, and in the hopes that butterflies eat them!

Butterfly Insect Feeder Assemblages

As you can see in these photos, there is a change in the butterfly frame from the apple butterfly frame compared to the rest of them, and I have also placed tooth picks in some of them. In my decision to leave my assemblages outside and to use them multiple times, I also realised that my frame would need to be more durable and sturdy. I have recently been teaching myself how to make jewelry using a wire wrapping technique and I thought that this technique would be perfect to use as it reinforces the metal shapes through wrapping them with a smaller wire. I added the toothpicks to my assemblages because some of the fruits such as the pears, oranges, and the apples (now that they are dried) were not stable enough for transportation to Cornwall Park, and because they were going to remain there for a few days, I knew that they would need more structural support.

I made my banana assemblage last night, as I wanted to have two assemblages that were rotted, and two that were not, entering the experimentation period of my assemblages.

Next up, placing them in Cornwall Park!

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