Visiting my Site Intervention


Today I visited my site intervention! I had been quite worried about them today because it was raining a lot and I was worried that something would happen to them :(. Due to the heavy rain, my visit had to be quite brief because I was getting drenched. But whilst I was there it was exciting!

When I visited my sculptures I saw that there were insects eating my sculptures!! They weren’t the insects I intended for them to be, bees and butterflies, etc, because they can’t fly in the rain, BUT, it was exciting! I was very happy to see that my assemblages were being of use. I noticed that there were a fair few more interested in my banana and orange assemblages, I think this is because the fruits are softer. Tomorrow I think I may visit my assemblages again with bananas and oranges and replace the apple and pears with them 🙂 that way I can have a bigger response from the insects. Tomorrow I will do my final checkup! The weather app says that it will be sunny so hopefully ill get to see some bees and butterflies!

Tomorrow is the final day I can check my work before hand-in on Tuesday, and so I will be making finalized decisions for my presentation! These decisions are based on whether I should depict more or less of each fruit. I have decided to incorporate photoshop into my work because it brings another reference to my previous artworks and it is also an interesting conversation between what is real and what is not.

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