Artist Research

Elizabeth Peyton

Elizabeth Peyton is an artist who works with portraits. She mostly creates images of her friends, historical figures and famous people. In her, work Elizabeth focuses on one part of the figure if that usually being the features of the face. Peyton tends to use bold brushwork but even with her bold lines, her work remains soft and somewhat elegant. Her work has been displayed all around the world in a range of gallery one being the museum of modern art.

I like how her work can have different detail levels I think it’s very interesting that she follows the part of the image that most excites her. This interest in one certain part of the image is very evident in her work, you can see where she uses suggestive lines and where she uses a more detailed approach. Ive found this idea has been helpful in my own work. I get bored quickly in some works so being able to focus on the parts of the image that interests me has helped to keep me engaged. I think ill continue to use Peyton’s conventions.

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