
For this work, I wanted to really focus on what aspects of the last couple of weeks that has excited me. I found I really was fascinated with the idea of layering this crossed over into this work. This image is a development from my experiments using different materials images. in that image I used perspex and I splattered paint on it, this splatter pattern was my link to week one and the image I used was the link to week two. For my developed image, I wanted to take those same ideas but develop them into more of a cohesive work. I took inspiration from Mamma Anderssons tribute girl. In this work, the artist creates scenes using layers upon layers. This layered idea worked well with my reference images from week two.

In this work, I wanted to convey my learnings from week one. In week one I focused on the verb “splatter” and “Spread” so I wanted to bring those ideas over to this work. I did this by making the figures at the front have an abstract splattered pattern to them. This image was more successful as it portrayed the works from the first and second weeks.

I found that in this work I was using many of the techniques, in previous weeks to create the background. For example for the curtains, I used a swiping method that I experimented with in week one. This really showed me how helpful those experiments were and how when mark making the verb ideas come naturally.

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