Final artworks + summary

Throughout this brief, I have enjoyed having the freedom to experiment with a lot of different ideas and mediums. I have also enjoyed pushing myself to try different things that I don’t normally do such as the drawings from week 2. I found that at the start of this brief, I was quite limited on colours due to not having easy access to artshops however once I purchased more paint, I was able to focus my work and exploration on the bright, vibrant, primary colours I like working with. I think I also engaged well with the artists I have been researching, looking at how they use line, shape, colour and pattern to create different effects while also combining it with the work that I had done previously. Towards the end of my exploration the main artists that I was looking at were Laura Owens and Jonathan Lasker. Throughout my work I have continued to combine and bring through elements of the week 1 and 2 tasks. The verb techniques that I have continued to use up to my final works are scraping, spreading, smear and spray and I have combined these techniques with my fungi drawings.

I have found it tricky to decide which pieces I wanted to show as my final works as I like elements of multiple of my week 4 paintings however I felt as though most of them seemed underdone, as my final pieces of my exploration are very bright and patterned, I didnt want to over crowd the works and add too may elements. I decided that these two works showed my process the best and didn’t need any extra elements that may have taken away from the patterns and shapes. While brainstorming titles for my paintings, I looked at the artist Claudia Jowitt and saw that she uses numbers to title some of her works. I felt as though this numbering system would work quite well for my art as my methods of working are quite formulative and I have many works that are similar to eachother. In my first piece, 32 Fungi Swirls I have used the number 32 as once I layed out this series of works, This piece was the 32nd one I had done. I used the same method with 44 Fungi Circles. I decided to use fungi in the name to connect it back to the image that these works originated from. Overall im very proud of what i’ve achieved throughout this brief and I am really happy with the results of my work.

32 Fungi Swirls
44 Fungi Circles

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