Final post


I found this process into image a refreshing challenge, as usually with my paintings I am very pedantic about detail. I found week 2 particularly challenging as I found it a bit difficult taking the image and translating it in a new way, but I found that by giving myself small restrictions it helped generate new ideas (eg. only using one brush for a painting). I decided to use these two works for my final as I think that they best portray my ideas and process. I combined from week one the technique if dragging the paint across the paper, with the charcoal drawing from week two. I think that these two techniques really well together. In the first work, titled branching, the dragged paint reveals the charcoal underneath and you are able to see the layers and process of the work. In the second work, titled rising, I think the the areas of solid charcoal with the dragged paint over top creates an interesting visual component to the work. When the paint added over the top of the charcoal would mix the two mediums together and which was a happy accident that I think adds to the work.

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