Last Site Checkup


Today I went for my last checkup on my site intervention! It was really sunny today which was awesome because there were lots of bees flying around! I didn’t get to see any butterflies today which was disappointing, BUT I found a bee on my orange butterfly!! It wasn’t there for very long but I did manage to snap a photo of it before it flew away! There were other insects on the orange as well, not the ones I intended, however, it was still serving its purpose! The orange has definitely been the most successful fruit and metal assemblage so far 🙂

Orange Butterfly with a Bee

One of the most notable things about this site is the amount of bees there are! It was quite nice seeing bumblebees and honey bees because you don’t see them very much in winter and they are very important to the environment! I didn’t see any butterflies responding to my assemblages – it doesn’t mean there weren’t any though! – but I think that the bees are still important enough for this experimentation to be deemed successful!

My banana, pear, and apple assemblages did not work out so well :(. I believe that the pear and the apple assemblages were both not bright enough or sweet enough to attract many insects. Because they dry a lot as well, I think that it would be too difficult for the insects to eat with their mouths, which are properly called a proboscis. The banana assemblage quickly became rotted and brown – not very pretty – and didn’t seem to attract any insects 🙁

In terms of the site intervention, I believe that my assemblages would have more of an impact if there were more! I noticed a few people looking at my assemblages when I was there and I believe it was curiosity as to what I was doing staring so intently at the garden. I think that if I were to create more assemblages with an orange they would become a lot more noticeable and visually impactful!

I think that with more of these assemblages, especially the orange ones because it was the most successful probably due to the colour, this idea would work quite well! And so for my final presentation I have decided to photoshop my site to be full of my assemblages! I think that they would have a lovely addition to the environment both visually and functionally!

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