Final summary: Process into image brief

Although we have to finish off our first year in lockdown, got to say I really enjoyed this painting/printing brief in lockdown because it gave me more confidence on how to be responsible for my own learning, because at first, I was lost with what to do and didn’t have the motivation on doing anything, but with the help and support from lecturers I was able to make a start and finally upload works on the blog. After researching some artists that were on the slide talk, I started to understand some of the things that were required for the brief and the different ways that these artists make marks. I started to think of how I could make art pieces, so I stuck to three artists that I was interested in for this brief, Amy Sillman, Joan Mitchell and Gerhard Richter.

These were my two favourite pieces for the brief and it is because of the black colour that stands out of the painting. At first I dragged the paint on the surface and keep doing it until I was satisfied and these were ideas that I got from Gerhard Richter of how he uses a squeegee to drag paint, instead I have used a piece of cardboard, then I apply the black paint in works of Amy Sillman which were influenced by works of Joan Mitchell. Combining the two artists technique to create these two pieces which look similar to each other.

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