Process into image(paintings + drawings)

I really love this reggae colour thing and I wanted to keep producing works like the previous one. In this piece, I used brown paper and paint. In works of Amy Sillman, I was really interested in this black that comes in the foreground of the whole work and Gerhard Richter with the paint being dragged across the surface. Combining the two artist together to create one of my pieces for the brief. I really love this image and I thought it looks great, simple but it has this strong contrast between this dark painting in black and the three colours in the background.

This piece, I used a drawing from week 2, using foil and dragging paint on it until I print it on a piece of newspaper.

With the first work of how the different colours are in the background, I decided to paint the background black and a drawing from week 2.

Using a juice box of fresh up to experiment mark making, I painted the juice box until drawing on it with black pastel.

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