Process into Image week 1

While documenting these works I wished I’d photographed the processes for creating them. My favourites were carve, smear, and drip/run. For drip, I very gently put droplets of water on the paper so that they’d retain their shape, then put a very small amount of paint on a brush and put it in. As I did, the pigment swirled around inside the droplet before it mixed with the water and became a solid colour. With carve, I took a pocket knife and smeared some paint down the edge of the blade, then ran it down the paper several times, angling the blade differently every time to smear the paint in different ways.

I didn’t have access to many types of materials and I didn’t have the spare cash to order any, so I am disappointed in how limited my works are, but I am pleased with what I created despite that limitation.

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