Week 13: Necessary Distractions

Shape development & Work Progression

studio I really didn’t like, it felt like I had no direction and I felt an overwhelming feeling of frustration. I knew I didn’t have much time left so I brought my work home, I know the lectures wanted us to work primarily in the studio but I don’t feel as comfortable working in the studio environment yet.

To begin the creation process, I tried to think about where can I take my work, what direction am I going in, and what new materials can I introduce to my wooden cutouts. And it hit me, paper mache and moulding. I made this glue mixture out of flour and water and used it not only as glue but to mould these swirls and incase the shells in the paste.

Paper mache

I found the flour/water paste made some interesting textures and shapes. I like how I have created this tentacle creeping along with the wooden pieces. This also helps border the holes drilled into the wood and incase the shell.

For my dangling sculpture, I have cut sphere shapes and I am going to tie them like a waterfall, I am also planning on hanging sea glass and shells I have found on my local beach.

Here I have painted over the flour paste, trying to adapt it to the environment and direction I want to go in.

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