Sculpture -verblist


Looking at the list and being immediately drawn to the verbs – to enclose – to surround – to encircle. Going straight from these verbs and coming up with connections to the verbs – To confine – to fill – to compress – to restrict – to leave and to shroud.

Having ideas for each of these verb continuations and being mostly intrigued by to confine, to leave to restrict and to shroud.

Looking first into ‘to leave’. The notion of knowing or not knowing when something is finished, when to step away, the finished and the unfinished. To seperate involvement with the object/ relation and to move away, seeing what is left behind, the residual evidence of the involvement and interaction in the first place. How the act of ‘leaving’ converts something into something different, changing the essence it had in the beginning.

To restrict and to confine. The physical aspects of both these verbs as a movement, wrapping and enclosing, constricting. As well as interest in the feelings these verbs evoke. How restricting movement can give a sense of helplessness even to an object, even if non sinister- how confining even an inanimate object can, for lack of a better word ‘sadden’ an audience. Looking into the relations between what is observed of a still action or movement in connection to a viewers experience or even sympathy for an obviously inanimate object.

-Looking especially into empathy felt for inanimate objects-

To shroud. More in connection with ‘to restrict’, looking at shrouding actively as the motion and the restriction of something from its environment, perhaps for means of protection or concealment.

closing off and leaving, new view points

changes objects use value

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