Day 2 – Grapefruit instructions

Yellow Talk

a) All colours are imaginary except yellow. Yellow is the colour of sun at its height. Other colours are shades of yellow in varying degrees which have been given different names, as if each of them exist independently. purely for ideological purposes.-Dr. Song.

No.4 Tear

Wink Talk

An intensity of a wink is : two cars smashed head on.

These are my 3 attempts at the grapefruit instructions, tried to do them in different ways and interpret them in my own way. I hope to attempt more over the weekend.

Core Studio – Day 1 & 2

Entopic Graphomania

In day 2 we did some Entopic Graphomania artwork as you can see above. In looking back on my work I had some critiques; In the right image after glossing over it again after the class I realised I missed a couple numbers on the page, I also regret not doing it in pen as it would have looked sharper and cleaner and that is the style I enjoy.

Entopic Graphomania Attempt 2

In this drawing I decided to place the original book page over a piece of paper and press hard enough on the page on each of the dots so I could connect them in a different way/style on a new material to get a different outcome.

To extend this artwork I decided to take a new page out of the book and do the same thing and overlay it on a different angle to add more depth and clutter

In my final reflection next time I hope to find a deeper meaning to further enhance the creativity of my artwork