Palimpsest Brief

Week 1.

This Brief has been a very interesting experience! I found a lot of difficulty starting out because I found the expectations to be quite broad in comparison to what I did in high school. At first I found it difficult finding inspiration and knowing where to start so I decided to find two things that I found interesting and see what I could do. So far I’ve been happy with how its going and I have really enjoyed employing new ways to create subject matter 🙂

This week I started working on my palimpsest brief! it was a bit difficult to start but I feel as though I’ve gotten into the grove of it 🙂

I’ve been experimenting with the textures that the block of wood has and I want to include them in my next work.

I coloured in the first piece of paper on top of the actual painting side because the textures that the paint splatters make create really cool lines.

The second piece of paper is the same process except I laid the piece of paper on top of the back of the wood. The ribbed lines along the panel is a really cool texture. Im excited to further extend the use of this panel and maybe use it to print lines. Could be a very cool concept!