A Weight Off Your Mind: Week 3

During the third week of the ‘A Weight Off Your Mind” brief, we were introduced to plaster and concrete.

I wanted to try and get the inside of a can, but the mixture was too thick therefore I wasn’t able to achieve what I had planned. Although this piece has been a failure, I still liked how it turned out.

End of Brief: Palimpsest Reflection

During the 4 weeks, I used images from a National Geographic book to create a majority of my pieces.

I used random photos and texts, ripped the edges off, and stuck them on top of each other. The 3 images going down are scanned copies of the original in the darkest tone to lightest.

The 2 pieces covered in text was scanned through the printer multiple times so that the writing didn’t look the same each time.

The pieces with thread were done by being wiggled on the scanner, holes were made using a hole puncher and thread going through the holes. I liked how I incorporated a new technique because I was getting bored of the same thing over and over again.

On the bottom left are the images from a National Geographic book, I ran it through the scanner and played with the tone. Then I used a different type of material; the texture was interesting but I went over it with sand paper and I think I made it better, although I still liked how the original looked.

Lastly, on the bottom right are 2 images from a National Geographic book; I ripped the edges and stuck it onto a page of words. I scanned the image onto a photo a found laying around in the studio. I accidentally spilled nail polish remover onto one of them and the ink started to rub off, so I did the rest.