Tracy Emin

Installation view of Tracey Emin, My Bed, at the Turner Prize Exhibition, Tate Gallery, London, 1999-2000. Photo © Stephen White. © 2018 Tracey Emin. All rights reservied, DACS, London / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Courtesy of White Cube.
MY BED 1998

Tracy Emins “MY BED” is an installation piece of her bed and intimate possessions. They are were presented in the same way as they were when she had gone through a breakup. It can be called confessional art, Emens exposes all the evidence of what she was going through at the time. I have had alot of fun exploring the idea of showing my own personal space and mess. It offers a view into your life, mental health, habits etc.

Erwin Wurm

Erwin is an Austrian artist, who primarily work. with sculpture. In his work he, explores ideas of space and the human form. He presents ordinary objects in surprising and interesting way to make viewers think of them in new ways. I connect a lot to his 1 minute sculptures. They are quite simple but provoke very strong feelings. I think his using people in his work can get the viewer to feel empathetic towards them which creates a strong response and very human feelings.

ART-PREVIEW: Erwin Wurm-One Minute Works
Nordic sculpture, 2002, One minute sculptures

Site intervention

I had alot less success with the site interventions. I think having too much open space and and possibility makes it overwhelming to think of how to intervein in an interesting way.

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I had alot of fun weaving and tangling plants together. I made sure to only do it in ways that dont harm the plant or do anything permanent.

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Pitt Island Nikau – Rhopalostylis sapida - Matakana Palms

I first thought of the idea because I often find Nikau ferns that have their leaves naturally tangled together and if they are woven on purpose.

Space intervention

I chose to do my space intervention in my bedroom/workspace. I have been keeping it tidy during lockdown but generally I am a very messy person. I thought it would be fun make lots of mess and explore ideas about mess/chores. Mess can often feel so daunting and claustrophobic and these are feelings I personally experience frequently.

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“Just hide the mess under the covers”
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“No work distractions”
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“Overwhelmed by chores”
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I loved the opportunity to use so many different colours and textures clothing gave me.

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1 minute Sculptures part 2

I experimented with doing things for 1 minute and filming it. It was quite a humorous experiment so in most of them i am trying not to laugh.

Dont worry this didnt hurt at all but it was funny and i spend the whole video making faces trying not to laugh.

I would consider myself a bit of a hoarder with my possessions, so I have too many clothes. I thought it would be interesting to make work exploring the feeling of having too much stuff and the claustrophobia that comes along with it.

1 minute sculptures part 1

My method of starting ideas is to not let myself think too much about how i am putting things together. I like to produce alot of quick ideas and see what things end up gravitating towards to move forward. Creating quick sculptures was a very useful way to begin. I found myself repeating this idea of things spilling or growing out of things they dont belong in.

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Love how uncomfortable this idea is of vomiting string.

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