Atapo by Mata Aho Collective

Atapō by Mata Aho Collective, Maureen Lander

I found “Atapo” by Mata Aho Collective to have the ability to make the viewer feel small and memorised. looking at the work face on it feels thick and heavy, as if the space it takes up could go on forever. The hazy diamonds on the work tempt the viewer to look down their centre and contemplate space and depth. As you walk around the work the illusion of its heavy form is broken and you can see it is made of thin layers of mesh that take up hardly any space all. This ability to communicate space, depth and weight without needing physically have those things is the main lesson I have taken form the work.

Spatial sketches, day 2

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My next move with my sketches was to test the affect twisting and wrapping has on fabric. I first predicted what it would look like in drawings and then started experimenting with wire and fabric. It is interesting how the fabric can look soft and loose but also tight and dense.

Spatial sketches

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My immediate response to the materials in front of me while beginning to do spatial sketches was to twist and wrap wire around cardboard. I found the shapes the cardboard took on as the wire got tighter around it very interesting. The sketches are simultaneously able to be tight and constricted but also free flowing.

I will go on try this twisting and wrapping technique with other materials.