3D Structure: Weaving

The original idea was to stick to a star and have the strings balance the object, to play around with weight, how much support do i truly need?
But I came up with a 3D idea, inspired by the original maori liturature which was art, specificaly weaving. imagined a box but cut out unnecessary items and continued to build
using materials like Wool (2 different colours for clear contrast) wood and nail i was able to build my desired sculture.
I was supprised, i didn expect this much of a curve, i instantly loved it and noticed how it added to the overall peice.
while the bottom square was built to be the stable base, i enjoy the pull effect much more, it adds to the curve, sort of holding it up adding to the whole support/ weight aspect of the assignment.

Grapefruit: A peice for orchestra

I was confused as a whole, didnt know what to do or what to take away from any of the poems, but a peice for orchestra caught my eye, (im not writing my own poem)

Tried to make sense of what it meant, Maybe the stars making a violin?, but then i thought deeper.

This is what i ended with, “Count all the stars of the night by heart. The peice ends when all the orchestra members finish counting the stars, or when it dawns, this can be done with windows instead of stars.” it finaly made sense in my head.