Spatial Sketches

March 8th – 12th

Prompt: To explore how visual language can be used to infer concepts without being representational by making drawings in space using the planar and liner elements.

I completed the task of making 8 sculptures and then went on to develop 5 of them further.

Sculpture 1 Developed

The idea behind this sculpture is really working with the look of the materials and I continued down that path in the second sculpture. Making something that should be and is typically a very sturdy and ridged material such as metal, look and feel flimsy and bendable. Then making a material such as plastic that is a quite often a very flexible material and turn it into something very stiff and sturdy. In my first sculpture I had focused on everything being very opposing of the generic use or feel of the material however in the second I wanted to focus on everything being very flowing and seeing how that turned out.

Sculpture 2 Developed

In this sculpture is focused on point of entry and drawing in the viewers eye line. As you can see the hard metal punctures the flimsy plastic drawing the viewers eye along the the sculpture and yet it can still be looked at from all different angles and be interpreted differently. The first draft of this sculpture had other characteristics however I decided to continue down this path as it is was the most interesting to look at.

Sculpture 3 Developed

This first go at this sculpture was just made out of treated metal and plastic however I wanted to take it and add a third element to see how this changed the sculpture. Whilst the sculpture follows some of the themes from other sculptures, such as point of entry and a hard/soft feel to it, it feels changed by the new element. The colour and feel of the new metal adds earthy tones to it and give it a different sense ob being. now it isn’t so alien and could possibly be placed in a garden outside .

Sculpture 4 Developed

For this sculpture I decide to add another element to the piece. However I don’t particularly like the outcome of this sculpture. It doesn’t really add anything or add any ideas into the sculpture. It just replicates what has already been said.

Sculpture 5 Developed

For this sculpture I wanted to work of one of my pervious sculpture but take it in a different direction. Have the viewer looking through rather than down onto. Then the room and environment becomes part of the sculpture as well. However this time I did listen to the material and use them as intended. The plastic taking on a soft look and the metal a sturdy one. However I do not think that it interrupts the idea instead adds to it as it is so simple it allows everything to be heard.

A Book Of Instructions

Grapefruit A book of instructions and drawings. Follow 3

Prompt: Pieces from an Orchestra No. 4 Tear No. 5 Touch No. 6 Rub

‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” – Newtons 3rd law. That is what I gathered from these instructions. Every touch, every brush of a sleeve has a cause and an effect on our surroundings. What caused the tire to end up there? A Crash? Was it left behind? What ever the reason it is there now giving shelter to who knows what.

Prompt: Wind talk The age of the wind is: A billion years older than the Empire State Building Three hundred years older than the Alps A day younger than the sea A day older than Christ Two months younger than your daughter Starting five months after your death

The branch falls from a tree dying and yet their life cycle isn’t over. Just like the instructions ‘Three hundred years older than the Alps’ and yet ‘Two months younger than your daughter’. Their life may have temporarily been in the form of the tree however their life now gives energy and sustenance to the moss. So it it old and yet still so very young.

Prompt: Yellow Talk C. All the colours have yellow in it.

A leaf, like everything, changes. They change colour, they change size they change shape. However there is aways something that remains, is a constant, underlying. for a leaf that would be the colour yellow. Dead or alive it is always there just sometimes a little harder to see than others.

People, Places and Pronouns

Prompt: Take a piece of text, select a method of word choice, mark the word in some fashion and connect them all in a method of your choosing

All The Young Men by Ruth Burks was the text I chose for this exercise. It is about a woman in 1986 who stays with young men in their final moments whilst fighting AIDS. The reason I chose people, places and pronouns to be my words of choice is to show all of these people and places are connected by more than what we can see. When we take action and stand up for something that we believe in not matter the size of the action it effects more than we know.

I overlaid a blank piece of paper on top of the text and noted all of the dots. To connect them I started from the bottom most point placed a ruler on the page, turned the page clockwise until the ruler linked up with another dot. Then drew a line connecting them and continued this pattern, ignoring the dots that had already been linked, until either there was no dots left to link or I had reached the starter dot and completed the shape.

I chose this method of linking to show how all the people and places are connected. sometimes effecting larger groups and sometimes just a few.

Day 1 Tricks

Prompt 3: Draw exactly the same line 1000 times

The idea behind this was all of these lines at first glance are the same. Eg are they strait? For the most part yes, Are they all the same length? Generally speaking yes. However when you look at them from different angles they are all different just like everything in this world so different and yet still the same.