Another type of cleaning

This, again, is my dad cleaning his tools. He did a lot of those chores that you always seem to leave until it they’re necessary. It was hard to get close because I saw my dad wearing that mask so I was nervous about how close I was allowed to get. It’s a very shaky and rocky video so you have a sense of how I was feeling while taking these images.


This is my dad sharpening his carving chisels. There are many chisels he had to sharpen, this is just one with only one part of the process. I honestly rushed this because my camera was going to die and I don’t have my charger so I was trying to get this done before my camera died. Its a lot more easier to do animations when someone else is doing the action because you can move around, change the angles, add movement.


This is me cleaning my dirty shoe, a job that I’ve been putting off for a while now. Making these animations is actually a lot harder when you’re doing it by yourself. I had to keep stopping and pressing the button over and over again because I would put it on a ten second timer and it would burst take 10 photos.


These are images of my family prepping a hangi. Theres a lot of work that goes into making hangi, and this is more or less the end result of prep. Making a hangi is such a long process and so many people put a lot of time into making sure everything goes smoothly. I think its one of the most rewarding labours.


raw to scrambled

This is the process of my Dad making scrambled eggs. Everyones gotta eat, cooking is the chore you have to go through to get there. I took photos in a before and after type. Theres the eggs before and after being seasoned. Most of these images are before and something has been added to add flavour.


sequence 1.

drying washing

I feel like washing is this annoying chore that always needs to be done. I took photos of the process of hanging the washing up on the line, having the clothes piled, the basket, pegs, most things involved with hanging washing except for a person physically doing it.

Artist investigate – Machine

Jackson Pollock is a painter that has a splatter aesthetic. We have also taken the splatter aesthetic into our end result for the art that our machine makes. Pollock is inspired by painting images on the ground because he can walk around it and feels more apart of it. We took this and decided to put out image on the ground so it creates a sense of a performance. Pollock says he’s not aware of what he’s doing when he’s painting and has no fear about destroying his painting. I think having the machine make the image has the same feeling. The machine has no fear and no plan, it just simply does its job.

Sriwhana Spong has created this instrument. We were inspired by the aspect of it all being created and being sequenced in size. We share the hanging element and the sound.

Final – drawing machine

We decided to hang the the tins and give them space so you could see the water dripping from each tin. We were going to use the these wooden pieces to hold the paper we saw that it was more interesting to see them splatter on the ground

The last images are the final product. I really like the splatter aspect, the images that the machine makes are interesting and they constantly change until it completely dries. The image contains multiple splatters that you can watch individually fall onto the paper. They can be seen as a very sharp dark black but as it dries the shade starts to fade into a lighter black and grey.

Drawing Machine – Trial

This is our first trial of the machine. We poked holes in the glad wrap, we just stacked the tins on top of each other, cut a coke bottle and poke holes in the cap. We put paper under it that we drew on with markers. The water fell through and made interesting patterns