Poster block

I cut up all my experimental printer poster images and decided I’m going to glue them all together. I’m trying to make a little tower but now that I think about it I don’t really know what I’m doing with this. I’ll try and finish it as soon as I can just in case because I don’t want to waste too much time on something that I might not even follow through with. But this does give me an idea of to scanning the posters and cutting out little things of it and maybe altering it. Kind of like how Peter Madden cuts out little images and puts them all together to make a bigger image.

Fax images

These are pages from a book that I ripped out and put through the fax machine. I like how you can manipulate images through the fax machine, the way it droops the writing is interesting. I also like the type of paper it produces. The only annoying thing about the fax machine is the paper is quite thin so every time I tried to rip the paper off it ended up ripping into the image.

These are images I drew over with a white ink pen. I wanted to try and recreate the way the link printed from the fax. I want to add to the fax images but at this very moment I’m not completely sure on how I’m going to do that. I might stick images together and layer them, I’m not sure. I’ll experiment a little more.

Printer posters

I took the posters and scanned them on the printer to see if I could make something interesting out of it. I tried moving them around, adding multiple posters to one scan and layering over one another. I don’t really like the results. I think this type of experiment is something I’ll come back to another time because the images I’ve made isn’t something I want to be producing at this moment.

Found materials

These are posters I took off the street as I walked around the city, and a vinyl cover that I bought purposely for this class. These are the material that I’m going to take inspiration from/use. But I don’t think I’ll use the vinyl cover which is a waste of money. Just because all the other images relate because they’re all posters. I mean it does relate to the music poster but I don’t want to focus on music.

Walk 4 – detective

To encounter the neighbourhood as a detective was a confusing task for me because I didn’t understand what the images were meant to look like. I tried to make my images quite dark and dull when it comes to colours so it gives it this little mysterious vibes about it. I just tried to capture the random things I saw on my walk. For example these random status, I know there would be a story on them considering their art but I can’t figure out what it is so I took these images of them close up so you focus on them and not their surroundings. I think the weather was quite perfect for these images because it was cloudy and pouring down so it gave this dark and gloomy vibe to the images. I also saw this “missing cat poster” and drew it because I thought “oh heres something you can actually investigate, but it actually was just a comedy improv poster so I sorted the mystery of the “missing cat” pretty fast.

Walk 3 – tourist

Acting like a tourist in Auckland isn’t that hard for me, considering I haven’t been here long so everything seems quite new to me. I took photos of old buildings like I imagine my old aunties would whenever they’re traveling. The first type of images I thought of “tourist” was old people taking selfies in front of famous landmarks but I took a more serious note of capturing the buildings as they are while I stand on the street “admiring” them. I also took more pictures that I haven’t uploaded of the mundane things in the city because I imagine tourist being fascinated by the way people live in other countries. That is why I tried to make sure that I capture the simple things in the images such as the road, street lights and street signs so it keeps this casual feel about them.

Walk 2 – Unfamiliar

This walk was about walking on a different path than you usually would. Pretty much everywhere in Auckland is quite unfamiliar to me considering that I haven’t been here long. And if I’m being honest, I didn’t really understand what type of photos I was meant to be taking but I read that that we should see how close we can get to certain things in the city. I noticed that the city is pretty filthy but also has a lot of nature about. The streets are filled with dead leaves, smells really bad, sounds full of cars driving and beeping at each other.

Walk 1 – Familiar

Usually on my walk I don’t take in my surrounds just because I’m trying to get to A to B. But I’ve only lived here for about two weeks so I just look for buildings that look familiar so I know where I am. But because of this exercise, I noticed a lot of different aspects of my surroundings. These photographs capture those certain characteristics, such as patterns and textures. For example, when I would look up I noticed that all the buildings have different patterns. I feel like it adds personality to the city, even though some of them are really ugly and it would be nice to see a building with some colour. I took a lot more photos looking up because I’m pretty short so I feel like I always seem things from a lower angle anyways. But in saying that, it was interesting to take photos being closer to the ground because it gives you perspective on how others may see things. This isn’t going to be a good way of saying this, but the lower angles make me think of how animals must roam the city and how they see things.