Reduce, Confuse and Alter

In this brief, we were to alter the images using a range of processes and methods. We were to choose; a photo including people, a photo without people, a piece of print fabric, a printed image of a painting made before 1900, a printed screen grab from a film, and a piece of trash/rubbish.

On the left wall: I played with the scanner to create an image of the man’s face go wider. I believe this creates an effect of movement.
On the right wall (from top left to bottom right):
– Using a thick plastic sheet, I drew the man with a 6B water-soluble pencil.
– Using a black sheet of paper, I experimented using a white charcoal pencil.
– For the next two I experimented using gouache.
– I also tried experimenting with continuous line drawing.

I used similar processes to experiment on each of the pictures. However a few I may tried experimenting in different ways.

In the Trash image, I experimented mostly with an illustration pen using tissue, tracing paper, and brown paper. I found splashing water on the tissue with the illustration pen tracing would create this cool effect. It’s as if it gives this moving blur effect.

I started to experiment with soft pastels and enjoyed trying to shade the colors. It looks good on brown paper as it’s seen as more vibrant and opaque.

As shown above I used a variety of media and surfaces. The media I used during this brief were; water-soluble 6B graphite, gouache, white charcoal, illustration pen, and pastel. I’ve also altered some of the images using the photocopier.

The time-lapse videos shown in this video show the process of some of my artworks.

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