Paint and Print Week 2

For this week we had to find 6 references to draw from and create at least 5 drawings for each reference. The prompts for the references were; a picture with people in it, a picture without people in it, a pre-1900’s painting, a screengrab of a film, a piece of rubbish and lastly some sort of fabric.

My references. On the left some paper towels that were soaked with different paints and inks from the first week. On the right is a picture I took of my dad, a picture I took from a drive in the early morning, a screengrab from 2001: A Space Odyssey and a painting ‘Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien, 1899-1983) ODE TO RED CLIFF AFTER KUNCAN’. Lastly I pinned a piece of fabric I had on hand to the wall.

For this photo I started out with a quick charcoal sketch, the original has a lot of very dark areas and very light areas so using charcoal just made sense. Then I used a black marker to make a loose sketch. After that I used my paint brush water and some watered down ink to make a sort of watercolour image. The next one was a blind drawing of this photo and the next photo. Next I tried mixing it up by only drawing the lightest parts of the photo.

For this photo I started by doing an acrylic and ink painting, it took a lot longer than I initially intended so I did a second much faster and looser painting. Then I tried something faster again by doing a 3-minute drawing using only vertical lines. After that I tried only using one line to draw it. The next one I did I used markers and ink to draw the image.

I started with a oil pastel drawing for this photo for the vibrant colours and contrast. Then I tried a more loose sketch using a rubber to get the highlights for the octagon shapes. After that I tried another watercolour-esque drawing using a white oil pastel to help bring out the shapes. Next I inverted the sketch with the photocopier and then traced the rectangles onto the a3 paper. I extended a majority of the lines to create this abstract mess of the original composition.

As I went through different methods for drawing this painting I got progressively messier and looser with the image.

This was a bit challenging for me to draw as I kept getting stuck on trying to draw it somewhat accurately. But for the paint and pastel one I tried to be more expressive and not get hung up on it. I used the photocopier again as I wanted to capture what I saw, which was a flower made of rubbish.

For the fabric I started by doing the colour pencil drawing on the bottom. I was trying to be as expressive as I could as not to labour over the details. Then I did the pastel and charcoal drawing, trying to be more accurate with shape. The I did the pain/watercolour pictures to have a more flowing depiction of the fabric. After that I did the pencil drawing, which I drew from a different angle to change up how I viewed it.

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