Developed Knitting ideas

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking of ways I can extend my ideas around time and its relation to leisure. The first image was an accident. I was working on a larger image that included the overlapping of the wool. The clocks were part of it and I ended up really liking how the clocks looked by themselves. Also when thinking about it the clocks work well in my idea as they are the universal idea of time and time-telling. This makes it more clear what wool means. The wool comes from my previous idea of using leisure activities “knitting” to tell the time. This photo still incorporates that idea but makes the time idea more clear as in my other images I felt the time aspect lacked. An interesting observation I made was when I was brainstorming words around the time one word that stood out to me was “fluid” and I think this image is the embodiment of fluid. 

The video is a time-lapse of me using the “knitting clock” this video did not really come out as I had wanted it to it was difficult to film. I do like how again it gives more context for my previous works. These works were done soon after my original works so now that more time has passed I feel my ideas have shifted once again. I want to explore more leisure clocks. I want to see how leisure activities can be used to tell time. 

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