Art machines- Final works

overall I’m very happy with how our art machines worked. My favorite of the two was the ice one as I really enjoyed our machine process, watching the ice melt and gradually colour the fabric and mix together with different colours. for this art machine we ended up repeating the process twice as when we opened the fabric up the first time we felt as though there were lots of gaps and that it would look better with another round of dye. I was much happier with the result of two rounds of dye as I thought it made the work look a lot more vibrant. I was also happy with our ball art machine however it didn’t turn out as we expected it to. We had to change our plans as the balls were too heavy to be blown by the fan so instead, we used ourselves as the force pushing the balls onto the paper. one thing that I hadn’t thought about was that the balls would get tangled up by the strings, once this happened we were not able to use our machine anymore but I think it made the machine more interesting to look at.

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