material assemblages

I poked my glasses through a piece of cardboard and stuck it into my plant with a belt around it.

here I also tried to add human-like aspects to a jar by placing glasses and headphones onto it.

I think this assemblage is interesting because the belt, cardboard, and bag are essentially wrapping, and securing nothing. By putting air in the bag, I allowed the belt and cardboard to easily secure itself to the bag.

Through researching, I found interest in Julia Couzens’ work. She is able to make painting-like sculptures by gathering random fabrics and materials into a tight canvas-shaped surface. In this assemblage task I utlised the cardboard used previously and gathered random objects and secured them tightly onto the cardboard surface. I think this is interesting as we question how these objects are stuck together especially when we look at it upfront without the cardboard in sight.

After taking apart the previous assemblage, I loved the colourful strings which remained on the cardboard. I tied it onto the bag full of air and I think it creates an interesting relationship between the flat surface and the bag material which used to be a flat surface and is now a 3 dimensional object.

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