Developed Assemblages (1)

From my previous assemblages I decided to explore further ideas around bodies, containment and hard vs soft.


For this piece I was very interested in suggesting a body or figure in a non-figurative way, instead through materials.

I started out using clay from my garden to create this organic shape on topi of a rock I found. I then added the stocking’s over the top. I think this immediately adds an exciting element to the clay. The stocking makes it look extremely fleshy and skin-like. It also means you can no longer see the division between the clay and the rock, bringing them together and containing them. The net over top makes it look like whatever is inside is being restricted and cannot move or grow.

Final Sculpture

I then added the skewers. They help make the sculpture look even more squishy and skin like as they pierce the fleshy surface. Their sharp, straight edges create an interesting contrast to the softness of the sculpture. I added the pearls and silver chain to even further suggest the idea of figure and body wearing jewellery, except in a much more peculiar way.

I felt like the sculpture was missing something so I added the red fabric underneath making the sculpture appear to wear clothes. However, I think it distracts from the bodily, squishy appearance of the sculpture which is why I prefer it without.

Hard vs Soft

For this sculpture I was interested in the relationship between hard and soft materials. I started by filling two stockings with rocks and fabric to add weight and plumpness to the piece. I then stabbed the skewers inside. I wanted to further suggest the idea of softness and the affect the skewers have on this delicate surface by adding red wax to the pierced spots. This creates this oozing effect, almost as if the wax is seeping through the holes made by the skewers.

Below is the final result.

I think it worked really well. My only criticism is that the stocking is very clear and especially wear the ladders in the stocking are you can clearly see the fabric inside. I think it would have been better to use something less distinguishable so you are left questioning what is inside. I might try to remake this one using clay inside instead.


For this piece I focused on the idea of containing, restricting and the collecting of materials and objects. I found this netted bag and began filling it. I then randomly pulled out bits of fabric through the netting to suggest the fabric is trying to escape its restraint. At the bottom you can kind of make out the perfume bottle as it’s hard, sharp corner manipulates the netting. I am really enjoying using netting as clearly shows how it is being manipulated just by how wide or narrow its gaps are. The closer to the bottom, the wider the gaps get, showing the weight of the sculpture.

One Reply to “Developed Assemblages (1)”

  1. Emma – this is more amazing work. The development is great and its great to see push the resolve of the work. I wonder if you can think about the way the skewers penetrate the from though. Perhaps the red wax is a little overstated and being to limit how we can think about the work – how could you have the same affect on viewers without representing blood?

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