Trying strange surfaces

It was recommended that we should try and steer away from the common surface we use as a canvas to paint on and instead paint on something we wouldn’t normally use as a canvas. I was originally thinking of painting on some fabric I have and usually use for embroidery, but then I thought it would be interesting to paint on the materials I have been using as my paintbrush. Which are cloth and sponge. I simply spraypainted onto the surfaces and then roughly painted portraits onto the sponge and cloth, I did use a normal paintbrush, just using the same one each time.

Sanfte Schönheit
 , 1882 by Eugen von Blaas
Here is the piece laying flat with the light hitting its front surface
Here it is held against the light
The paint transferred onto the paper beneath it from the holes in the cloth, It created a beautiful pattern and texture I might consider including in bigger works.
John William Godward “A Persian princess” 1898.

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