Newspaper Piece:

This the image i used for the newspaper brief and the verb I used was to reflect.


How do we reflect? Reflect on our past, reflect on our present, reflect on our future.  With this image, I wanted to capture the light reflecting off my sister’s eye but while I was taking the photo, my father stepped into the frame and as a result created this image. My father is placed in the background out of focus, leaving my sister in the foreground focus suggesting she is a reflection of him. He represents the past and she represents the future, she can not move forward without acknowledging the past. We learn from the past and from the past mistakes our tupuna made, hoping we won’t make those same mistakes. “Our families, communities, and relations have framed our lens of story, dialogue, and relationality to place and people. We recognize them as our first teachers.”(Tecun(David Hernandez) et al. 2018).  As a Maori descendant, whakapapa is a significant aspect of my culture, which is why we hold onto our genealogy to stay connected. 

“Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, i anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe, kei te anga atu ki hea.” 

“If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going.”

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