Painting Week 9

This week we worked with tone and processing images into cool, warm and neutral tones. I found this really difficult when being timed as working with a wet medium is harder than dry. I find being timed and using a pencil is fine but this was definitely more difficult. Once I wasn’t timed through I was able to process the image better and create something I liked more. I was also able to identify the images cool, warm and neutral tones better giving me a better image study to go off of when finalising a painting.

Created using cool tones. definitely not a fan of this one.
Created using warm tones, a lot better than the cool tones but I still think it didn’t turn out too great.
Using warm, cool and neutral tones. Probably my favourite out of the first three but I still didn’t like it very much.

This one I enjoyed heaps more, I was able to take my time and really work with the image just a little longer. This probably took 15 minutes.
This one I’m also really proud of, I feel like I really got to look at the image properly and just get a good understanding of the tonal differences.

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