Pockets around town

This was my take on phase 2 of the brief, ‘in situ’ where I used the plaster pockets to respond to their surrounding. I went with a fairly natural choice with this one, with the site being a person wearing pants. So i put the plaster pockets back into pants while someone was wearing them.

These are the outcomes:

The pants she is wearing are not the pants that the plaster was poured into. The idea that these casts have been placed back into their ‘home’ but in actuality it is not their home, it only seems like it at face value.

I am made the private pocket space public, and then now have made it private again. The plaster pockets also make the pockets obsolete and unusable which goes back to my original idea of looking at seemingly ‘negative’ space.

Anyway not really remarkable at all but yeah…

Next I tried to do an installation work with them.

Initially I was going to do my final installation using the pockets and only show photos of the rorscarch work. I have since changed my mind as mentioned previously. But anyway, the pockets were going to be display on plinths, to emphasise the publicising of the private space. I would perhaps hang the clothing behind it. But in fear of that being too obvious I decided I would hang the clothes on a clothes line with pegs at eye line and have the plaster plaster pockets in the actual pockets. I was thinking it could be interactive so the pockets could be taken out. But just not very inspired by those ideas.

I still did want to do something with them tho so I repaired the clothing that I used for the plaster as they were ripped from cutting the hardened plaster out, and cleaned them so there wasn’t the white residue. Then I stapled them to a wall and put their corresponding pocket cast inside of them. I don’t think this looks amazing or inspired or anything but did kind of tie the ideas up.

Then I stacked all the pockets up together on a plinth. I do like how this looks especially how everything is white. It very much shows the work as a collection. Kind of seems like I am a creep who just takes casts of random peoples pockets and displays them in my house. or like someones fossil collection.

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