Photography – Week 6 – Final Day

Today was full of hard decisions to make because I wanted to put up so many works but I could only choose a selection. I’m really happy with the works I chose in the end to go up because I believe they all complement each other very well. I wasn’t sure about my long work going from the top to the bottom, but I got feedback from a few of my friends and they said it was their favourite work. I also think next to the two A0 works it works as it gives a sense of looking and being in the ground then up to the sky, like how I wanted the two A0’s to be seen. On my original wall I didn’t have any of my photograms up on the wall, so when I got part of another wall I knew that I wanted to present some of my double exposure photograms. It was hard to create a composition I was happy with because I knew I wanted to keep some original size works. This was because this was the size I worked with in the darkroom and it’s the actual life size of the plants. So to the people looking at the work, I wanted them to get close to it and see the detail that you can’t from far away.

Overall I’m happy with how my vision turned out with my works because I can see the angelic, confusing, soft, layering components in each work. I think that the mixture of this and using nature as my starting point has been able to reflect on nature a lot. Nature isn’t self explanatory and simple, it is made up of multiple species and for a lot of people is a break from a busy city life. To me this is what nature is, it helps me slow down and reminds me that we need our own space and time too, being in tune with nature helps us be comforted.

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