Sm@-Wk13/final assessment

I think all of the images work really well being blown up into a0&a1 as I can actually see the small details but can just see the entire image and back away and take the image in. It did take a bit to choose where to place the images as I’m so used to collage boards having to be a certain way but after I got over that and with the help of classmates and the teacher help, I started to figure out what looks good where and what works being next to each other and where some should move to different sides. I say photography was a bit of a struggle because halfway I was at a standstill at where my work was going to take me as I could see others produce ideas from their work I had nothing at that moment, after playing around and bringing in new items I figured where I was going to head into. I say another hard part was choosing what photos I wanted to use and what I would do with them, but that was quickly dealt with when we had critical discussions and had input on what I could be continuing my idea with. I mean I did have ideas, especially from artists presented to us in class, but they never really stuck with me as there was something I wanted to do but never attracted me to make art in that way. This semester was definitely an experience and something new to play with and the idea’s presented. I’m happy with my final work and proud with the final result.

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