Grapefruit: Yoko Ono Instructions.

For Yoko Ono’s instructions, I found it a bit odd at first just because she wrote them in a way where normally it’s not done every day. I think the instructions really helped me to realise certain aspects of making sculpture or any practice. It allows us to make with intention.

voice piece for soprano

I chose the instruction voice piece for soprano because it could be done daily by anyone anywhere for many reasons. It made me think about how people express their internal self. When I did the exersise I realised that when I feel mad or sad I scream. And doing the exerercise gave me freedom to express myself through her words.

I did get a couple of mixed reactions from people when I screamed at the sky, wall and wind just because it was in public. They must’ve thought I was crazy. But I actually felt really good doing it. I found the reactions a little funny just because it’s normal to want to scream at something. The idea of instructions was a perfect outlet and example of self-improvement for me.

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