Process into Image – Week 1

For the first week, we were instructed to “generate vocabulary of marks through action led processes.” You basically just had to create some paintings through body movement such as: Swipe, swirl, drip etc. Since we are in lockdown, I worked with the normal paper ripped off of my sketchpad.


I first started off by creating these work by pouring a small amount of different paint on different parts of my ruler. After that, I decided to slide the ruler from one side of the paper to the other. I like the texture that these works have, especially the work on the right.

I did more of these sliding paintings, but this time in a zig-zag motion. I think the idea was fun, but however the execution wasn’t very successful. I do like the work on the left. Next time, I should try this zig-zag motion by using a different object.

Swipe and Smear

After using my ruler for a bit, I got bored. So I moved on to a different object to create work. I used a paint brush. I created these work by swiping my brush in curvy directions. The first two work (right and centre) are my favourites since they remind me of maps. I like how one brush stroke goes on top of another, and how it goes off the edge past the paper. The Work on the left was created by drenching my brush in diluted paint. The excess watery paint left a dripped mark on the paper.

The next word I wanted to work on was “smear.” I basically just poured paint on my hands and smeared it around. I also did the same thing again, but with a ruler.


Moving on, I dolloped some paint on different parts of the paper, and then slid my ruler from one side of the paper, to the next. I like the one on the right, since you can tell where the original dollop of paint was placed.

And finally, for this I once again dolloped some paint onto the paper. But this time, I placed another piece of paper over it and dragged it in a circular motion. I like how they are similar, but also different.


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