Studio work sculpture week 5:

Hand Sculpture:

I focused on using my hand to create this piece from researching memorials I got the idea. This is to represent the moment where the Jews and other minorities are trapped in the gas chamber. I looked at some photos as inspiration as to how I could relate to that moment in respect, I want to show the vulnerability that these people were in. Using resources that I have from last year, I’m basically carrying on that project in a different way. To spread the message of how tragic war is.

Water colour soldier:

German Propaganda

I chose to paint this water colour soldier in red. As red is a symbol of violence. It also looks like a coat worn by the Jews. I left out the Swastika to be respectful to those “glorious dead”. I replaced it with my thumbprints as a symbol of strength and coming together to help each other. In Anne Frank’s diary she talked about how her family was being helped by outsiders in order to keep her safe until her location was revealed. We as humans have the natural ability to help others and pay respect. This project is me being respectful by sharing the stories of those who could not tell themselves.


This is also a reference to the gas chamber markings. Painting my hand in red water colour to show the blood and stress that the people had endured. Doing the similar actions as them, I was thinking about how they must have felt, knowing that they would die no matter how many times they scratched the walls. I felt helpless and overwhelming sense of realisation. I remembered the many descriptions and photos that I had seen before and I stopped half way. The reason I stopped was because I felt proud that I’m doing this. Not many teenagers would understand where I’m coming from. History is a powerful tool for future generations and learning from it, seeing the bad side as well as the good one of the only way people are going to understand how lucky we are to live in this society.

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